Day #5 Voices
What are some of the voices
you’ve been listening to? We all have a voice, but there are also voices that
we listen to, it could be from your head friend, or even your gut. It’s your
decision to which voice you want to listen to and have an effect on the way you
act. In today’s society girls have struggled with the voice inside their head
that says there not good enough or they will never make it. But we can’t listen
to the negative voices in our heads, instead listen to the positive voice of
God saying “You are beautiful, I created you in my hands and I have set you
apart.” We can’t listen to the negative voices, because they will only bring us
down and hurt us. But instead we need to listen for the Holy one. We can also
hurt each other with our negative words that we might say to one another,
instead why don’t we lift each other up in positive words. It says in Mark 12:31
“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. ‘There is no commandment
greater than these.” This is a powerful verse, remember we all have a voice but
it’s your decision on how you want to use it. I encourage you today to use your
voice in a positive way and give someone a nice compliment today.
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