Monday, September 14, 2015

A Quote to remember

          Have you ever read something and it just stuck with you for a really long time or forever? Well in the book battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer a quote form this stuck with me and it may stick with you. It said " Here's the real deal: No thing and no person can make you miserable without your permission." (Meyer, 52)

           Wow!! This quote really opened my eyes and stuck with me. This was exactly what I needed! I knew that I can choose what makes me mad, sad, or happy. It all depends on how you react to the situation. You can be the person that gets mad at every little thing in life and always be depressed if one person says something negative. This person will be miserable for the rest of there lives. Or you can be the person to forgive easy and learn from something. Don't let that one thing affect your personality or your mood. In high school especially there are many kids that use there words as a weapon to hurt instead of a way to lift people and friends up in encouragement. Words are powerful and we have to be careful what we say to one another. Okay I have a short story and you may relate to it but say you come to school and you look really fancy and nice and everyone gives a complement so you feel really good but say one person says something really mean about it, all of those really nice complements go down to zero. You can get 1,000 compliments and 1 negative word and all you feel terrible for the rest of the day. I think we all can relate to this situation. So why does that one negative comment stay with us? Why do we listen to that one thing? In today's world teenagers struggle with this a lot. That one person can affect our whole day or even affect us for the rest of our lives. If someone says your fat, that girl or boy (mostly girl) will hold on to that for dear life. So they may get depressed and they start believing that they are fat. So they stop eating or start trying to cover up the way they look. So now this girl believes what another person says and now this girl is miserably with how she looks and feels. :(

                Now a lot of girls can relate with this situation which is really sad. I challenge you today to use your words to lift on another up and encourage and speak life to one another. Don't use your words as a weapon to hurt someone or to make your self feel better about your self. And I also challenge you to be confident in yourself and don't believe what everyone thinks. Because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~ psalm 139:14

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