Sunday, February 21, 2016


           There are many ways on how the book "Faithful" By: Janet Fox uses good figurative writing. Also another way the author uses good technique is just using elevated writing. But also there are areas in the book where she could elevate her words. A quote that shows her great word choice and description says "Lightning flickered on the far horizon, echoing the tiny lights strung from branch to branch in the gardens outside. In small parlor where the women gathered to primp, I found kitty, and we admired one another's dress. She was done up in blue silk that spilled in ten yards of rustling train. Her hair glittered with diamonds that matched her necklace" (Fox, 27-28). This quote not only has descriptive language but also it shows great setting and the reader can imagine it and expierience it with the main character Maggie. Some of the descriptive words that help the reader picture it is flickered, echoing, tiny, strung, and primp. If the author did not have these words in her book, her writing would be boring and nobody would want to read it. So if you want to keep the readers attention it's a good idea to have great vocabulary, figurative language, and more!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Book Review over Fahrenheit 451

             Our world is trying to create everyone to be equal, but everyone will never b equal and that's okay. It was a novel of fireman who are paid to set books ablaze. The main character in the story is a firefighter named Montag. His job was  to find anyone who had a book and burn them along with there house. Everyone knew that books were forbidden. Montag was a fireman for 10 years and loved his job, he didn't question what life was before they burned books. But a young girl came around named Clarisse McCellan who was 17 years old. She wasn't like many people. She questioned the world, when many people wouldn't even care. She was a very observant person. She would go on long walks and she would go on the subway and watch how everyone spoke, she would watch the sun rise and fall during the day, she would watch birds fly and flowers bloom.
When Clarisse and Montag talk in the beginning of the book Clarisse asks many questions that Montag have never even thought about. "She laughed at this. "Good night!" She started up her walk. Then she seemed to remember something and came back to look at him with wonder and curiosity. "Are you happy?" She said (Bradbury,10). This quote explains how CLarisse was curious and had deep thoughts for everything. When Montag goes home he starts to think am I happy? And then when he learns why he isn't happy it changes his whole view and perspective on things one being, are books really bad? Or what if they are making the wrong decision.

            Overall, I truly loved this book. I loved how the author wrote, he added great detail and figurative language to his story. This book really made me think, what if books were banned. It would be terrible.
You couldn't read a fairy tale, mystery, adventure, or even cook books.

I recommend this book to everyone if you want to have a interesting great read!

* *  * * *
5 stars